A Happy Me
Do you want to have strong empowered kids who have high emotional intelligence techniques to have a happy life!
We are delighted to launch a series of kids personal development workshops “A Happy Me”.
Using latest life coaching techniques and games to engage kids and inspire them for a long-lasting behavioral development.
Bully Free Starts With Me
- Raise their awareness about all forms of bullying
- Guide them to make the right choices and decisions
- Raise their awareness of negative self talk and it consequences
- Empower their confidence
- Enrich their resilience towards difficult situations
A Confident Me
- Raise kids awareness with towards their strenghths
- Empower their self Esteem
- Raise their awareness to self acceptance
- Enrich their resilience towards stronger kids
Don’t Be Angry Bird
- Enhance kids’ communication skills
- Help them develop Self Esteem
- Identify causes of anger
- Effects of anger and how to overcome it